Cavalos-marinhos e suas curiosidades

Seahorses and their curiosities


The seahorse is a species of bony fish that has some characteristics of its own.

They live in shallow, tropical or temperate waters, found in estuarine environments, reefs, bays and mangroves.


Fish that have an elongated head, very reminiscent of a horse, and eyes that move independently. 

The mouth is tubular and does not have teeth, for this reason, this fish feeds by sucking.


See too




Generally, the seahorse waits for some small animal to pass by it in order to feed.

The beings that are part of their diet, we can highlight the small shrimps and beach fleas.

They have a small and very resistant body, formed by a series of bony rings, and measure around 15 cm to 18 cm.

They have flippers, which allow them to swim, and they are active during the day, despite their limited mobility. Dorsal fins are used for propulsion.

They have a prehensile tail, which is often used to grip the substrate.

A very interesting feature of them is the ability to change color, just like chameleons. Which helps protect against predators (camouflage).

In addition to helping at the time of reproduction, as they tend to intensify their color when they are in reproductive season.

Seahorses are the Ocean's Monogamists

Seahorses are monogamous, which ends up interfering with the reproductive rate when one member of the couple is removed.

They have as a striking feature that the male is responsible for generating the offspring.

The female seahorse transfers her oocytes into the male's brood pouch.

Pregnancy has an estimated time between 9 and 69 days.

Each pregnancy gives birth to more than 100 pups, each of which has an average of 1 cm. Although small and fragile, the young are born completely independent.

The decrease in the number of seahorses 

They are animals that tend to have their species diminished, due to their wide commercial exploitation and the degradation of the area in which they live.

They are animals sold to be placed in aquariums and for decoration purposes.

There is still the accidental capture of these fish in fishing gear, a factor that contributes to their decline.

Main curiosities of Seahorses.

Seahorses and their curiosities

Are the following:

  • They measure between 1.5 to 34 centimeters.
  • The seahorse has a lifespan of between one and four years.
  • There are a total of 47 species of seahorses. 
  • They avoid predators by camouflaging themselves, blending in with the color of underwater plants.
  • They can eat up to 50 times a day.
  • The males that give birth to the young.
  • Some species are nocturnal and others are diurnal.
  • They have a tail that can move and grab things.
  • Although classified as bony fish, it does not have scales.
  • The smallest species of seahorse is the Satomi Pygmy.
  • The big-bellied seahorse species is the largest.
  • Some species are already extinct.
  • They have no stomach and no teeth.
  • Seahorses are now pets, (pets), but it is a challenge, as they require a lot of care and cost a lot. 

The importance of preserving the species

There are biological, ecological and commercial reasons for the conservation of these animals.

They possess reproductive characteristics that are not found in any other group of animals.

And they play an important role in the food web of marine and estuarine fauna.

They carry out checks on some species of deep-sea animals.

In this way, without seahorses, there would be an imbalance in these ecosystems.

Important tips to preserve the marine environment

  • Throw masks, scarves, gloves and bags in the trash.
  • Do not throw cigarette butts on the floor, they contaminate the soil and water.
  • Use reusable containers and bottles.
  • Reduce energy consumption.
  • Consume less plastic products.
  • Take better care of the beaches, avoiding littering, removing stones and corals.
  • The oceans need help. According to UNESCO, (The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), if there are no changes, in 2100 half of marine species will be on the verge of extinction.
  • To save the planet we need sustainable projects. 
  • If everyone already did their part and sought more information about what to do with recyclable waste, it would already make a difference.
  • Life to stay on earth is necessary to have balance.

Hippocampus Project

the institute Hippocampus is a non-profit entity, active for over 25 years in the preservation of seahorses.

With support and partnerships, the institution manages to rescue species that are disappearing.

They monitor the estuaries of the Tatuoca and Massangana Rivers, on the island of Cocaia, located in the Suape Bay in Pernambuco.

The registration of these animals in these places demonstrates the team's care for the project.

The work carried out by this institute recovers the environment and provides for the propagation of the species.